Feb 24, 2013

Coldplay - Charlie Brown


I stole a key
Took a car downtown where the lost boys meet
I took a car downtown and took what they offered me
To set me free

Jul 4, 2012

Social Media Landscape 2012

Social Media Landscape 2012
A few years ago, Charlene Lee from Forrester said social networks will be like air. We are now in 2012 and social media had never been this important. I regularly talk to people referring to social media as the web, the whole web. Indeed, the web as became social, and it is hard to find non-social websites. This being said, how can you explain social, when anything is social? It’s simple: you draw a chart with the most emblematic social platforms.

As I have been doing it for the last four years (2008, 2009 and 2011), let me introduce you to my latest social media landscape to help you understand the big picture of who is doing what.

Dec 30, 2011

The Power of Negative Story

There is nothing either good or bad position, but thinking makes it so. (Tidak ada posisi yang baik atau buruk, pikirkanlah menciptakannya) = William Shakespeare =

Baru-baru ini di Atlantic City - AS, seorang wanita memenangkan sekeranjang koin dari mesin judi. Kemudian ia bermaksud makan malam bersama suaminya. Namun, sebelum itu ia hendak menurunkan sekeranjang koin tersebut di kamarnya. Maka ia pun menuju lift.

Waktu ia masuk lift sudah ada 2 orang hitam di dalamnya. Salah satunya sangat besar . . . Besaaaarrrr sekali. Wanita itu terpana. Ia berpikir,

"Dua orang ini akan merampokku." Tapi pikirnya lagi,

"Jangan menuduh, mereka sepertinya baik dan ramah."

Sep 16, 2011

Kartu smartfren baru

kartu smartfren dengan keunggulan gokil. Cek di www.smartfren.com

Sep 14, 2011

Ilmu yg saya dapat hari ini

Penyakit Hati

Induknya penyakit hati ada 3:
1. Sombong
2. Riya
3. Iri/dengki

Akarnya dari induk penyakit hati ini adalah: Cinta Dunia

Ya Allah, lindungi dan jauhkan kami dari penyakit hati ini. Dan engkau jadikan kami dekat serta cinta selalu denganMu, Ya Allah. Amin

Semoga bermanfaat buat saya dan pembaca.

May 19, 2010

Best Blackberry

The smallest Blackberry smartphone seems to be this new BlackBerry Pearl 3G. This 3GBlackberry smartphone is designed in cool and compact design comes with good performance and top feature-rich. Of course it supports BlackBerry email, messaging and social networking.

The smallest body is proven by its less than two inches wide (50 mm) size and 3.3 ounces (93g) in weight. Like the name suggests, it supports for high-speed 3G (UMTS/HSDPA) networks, Wi-Fi (b/g/n) and GPS. All these are powered by a powerhouse processor that leads to stunning pictures on the high-res and sharp screen.

For ease navigation, it is equipped with an optical trackpad for smooth navigation, media and volume keys as well as a 3.2 Mpx camera with flash and finally supports up to 32 GB of storage.

May 4, 2010

Cuaca Panas Karena Matahari Bergeser

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Cuaca panas yang terasa mulai Maret hingga memuncak pada Mei ini di sejumlah daerah di Indonesia disebabkan oleh bergesernya posisi matahari dari selatan ke utara, kata pakar astronomi.

"Pola pemanasan berubah. Wilayah paling panas ada di sekitar khatulistiwa, di Indonesia. Angin cenderung berputar di sekitar wiliayah Indonesia. Tidak ada efek pendinginan dari wilayah lain," kata pakar astronimi Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan) Thomas Djamaluddin yang dikonfirmasi dari Jakarta, Senin.

Dampak dari kondisi itu lah yang menyebabkan meningkatnya suhu udah di sejumlah wilayah di Indonesia belakangan ini.